Tuesday, May 28, 2013

A Hair Loss Treatment that Creates Lustrous and Shinier Strands

Australia, Melbourne -- HAIR-LOSS-REMEDY.CO.UK -- 05/29/2013 -- Silica adds to the quality of life. It is one of those elements whose catalog of benefits just keeps mounting as time passes. Silica beautifies hair with luster, elasticity and vigor. It has been regarded as nature’s building block and is our answer to healthier, younger-looking, more radiant skin, hair and nails.
Although Silica is readily found in the body, more silica can be obtained through certain foods and oral supplements. Silica helps retain moisture in hair, creating shinier strands. It also helps strengthen hair and makes it less likely to become brittle and develop split ends. While it strengthens hair, it prevents hair loss and promotes hair regrowth.
As we get older, the source of silica in our bodies becomes exhausted, resulting in wrinkles, dry skin, dull lifeless hair, and brittle nails and bones. As a natural hair loss treatment, silica can readily be found in rice, onions, alfalfa, green leafy vegetables and beetroot. Although this vitamin is not usually found in common western diets, you can still find a healthy dose of silica in outer coverings of potatoes, green and red peppers, cucumbers, and bean sprouts. Remember that when you eat these foods raw, you are getting more nutritional value from them.
In addition to eating foods that contain silica and as a natural hair loss treatment, people can take it in the form of oral supplements. Silica supplements specialize in ensuring healthy hair growth. Aside from supplements, organic silica added to shampoo was found to help prevent baldness, stimulate healthier hair growth and assure beautiful shine, luster and strength. This can also be applied externally as a hair loss treatment and to regrow hair.
The chief symptom of silicon deficiency is sensitivity to cold. One always feels cold even during the hot months. Other symptoms include aging of the skin like looseness and wrinkles, loss of hair accompanied by thinning, poor bone development, and brittle nails.

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All of us need Silica, regardless of our age. It is as important to provide the body dietary sources of silica early in life as it is during the aging process when silica levels in tissue usually drop off steeply. Silica has an exact absolute influence on absorption of all minerals that the body requires to maintain health.

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  2. Warner Carter, I completely agree with you. Very well said man. But in some cases it is suggested to choose the best hair fall treatment that solves your problem from the root.

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